Wednesday, August 25, 2010

POLL: Have you ever put on a robe or thrown on a bath-towel just to answer your phone?

No, I have a hard enough time remembering to put something on when I let the dog out.

My S/O says the only reason the older man that lives behind smokes outside of his home %26amp; hasn't moved into a retirement home, is because of the view at 7:00 a.m.

LOL, I grew up way out in the country, you didn't have to get dressed to go outside, no neighbors.

I miss that.

Still a country girl at heart.POLL: Have you ever put on a robe or thrown on a bath-towel just to answer your phone?
when i am alone NO but if i have company/guests/visitors, then YES. if it's still an inconvenience for me b/c i am inappropriate, then i would ask someone to get the phone to screen the call and/or possibly take a message it just depends on what happening during the moment of the phone ring.POLL: Have you ever put on a robe or thrown on a bath-towel just to answer your phone?
I usually just take the phone into the bathroom with me,

since it knows I'm in there and as soon as I'm all will ring.

So no, I don't bother.


Yes I have, I am very modest.
no not like they can see me
no, free willy
no as I am home alone and they can't see me

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