Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do you wash your bath towel after each day's use?

I use mine for 2/3 days.

There are 4 people in my household and we all bath/shower everyday, sometimes twice a day. If we didn't re-use, we would go through approximately 28 towels a week!Do you wash your bath towel after each day's use?
No. I usually put it on the radiator to dry and use it the next day too.Do you wash your bath towel after each day's use?
I thought i was the only person who used a towel more than once , im so glad to see im not !! there are 2 adults and 2 children in my house so to use a clean towel every time we have a bath or shower would mean an awful lot of washing !!. all i do is make sure they are dryed properly over night before we use them the next day , oh and also each person has their own- we don't share !!
I now live alone, since my husband passed away 2yrs ago..but even then and still I re-use a bath towel for 2-3 days. I just throw it over the towel rack to dry to prepare for the next shower. I see nothing wrong with this...the body has been cleaned, right? Besides, I'm doing my part in saving the environment by not using so much water...and it's easier on my water bill too! When I'm finished with it, if its bath time for the doggies, then they get a turn at using the same towel before it reaches its destination of the hamper and then the washing machine.
I wish! I wash it after a week, I have white towels so if they look dirty I can wash them sooner. I hear that you are supposed to use a different cloth everyday in the kitchen according to Kim and Aggie!
No, I use soap when I shower, so my towel isn't getting dirty because I'm just using it to remove clean water from my body, then hang it up to dry. I throw the towel in the wash every week.
i use a clean towel everytime there is 5 in my house so alot of showers and i go through a lot of towels but i think they smell if you dont wash them
No I towel dry on a hand towel then finish drying on a bath towel it is not quite so hard to get hand towels dry especially in winter
I either hang em over the door for bit or throw them in the dryer with a dryer sheet for a few minutes or better yet if weather permits I hang them outside on the line.
i use mine for about 4-7 days before i wash it. i always air it out after use on the radiator
I use mine 4-5 days. I have never understood why some people think they need to wash their towels every day.
I use it for about a week before i wash it.
I was mine every week, i havent got time to wash them everyday! As long as there clean and dry there good for a few days or so!

Tia W sounds like shes a bit paranoid about a bit of dirt! I used to play in all sorts of mud and dirt when i was younger! Toughens you up!
HIYA, there are 3 adults in my house.we have shower every day.we all have clean bath towels, every day.we use 21 a week.
I have about 30 bath towels.That's gross to use the same towel over and over again, we cant possibly clean every inch of our bodies so bacteria is still on our bodies. As well as the bathroom floor has tons of bacteria and pee droplets that we step on when we get out of the shower...I use a different towel everyday!

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